A Pathway to Higher and Further Education

The first onboarding of the National Youth Volunteering Portfolios took place today in Larkin Community College. MyVP is a way of recognising youth volunteering as a pathway to further and higher education.

MyVP allows young people build a profile of themselves through the prism of volunteerism. The platform provides a space and a place to record volunteering achievements, have skills and attributes recognised, outline key learnings, reflect on their experiences and outline a vision for the future.

MyVP will be taken into consideration, as evidence of accomplishments when allocating places for study in Further and Higher Education and lets potential employers know the full range of attributes that you have to offer.

Proof of Concept

As part of our Proof of Concept we are working in partnership with DCU and our colleagues in Further Education. The five step process begins with a young person completing a Localise programme which gives them access to the platform. Then they build a profile of themselves through the lens of volunteerism. Their place on a Further Education course is guaranteed as is an interview with the relevant faculty in DCU for the 2025.

A Seminal Day

Today students from Larkin Community College became the first ever MyVP students to onboarded onto the platform. “We were honoured to be considered for this amazing programme and are delighted that Larkin students were the first cohort to onboard for the ”My Volunteering Portfolio” (MyVP). It’s wonderful for students to get recgonition for all their volunteering work both inside and outside of school” Said Assistant Principal Maire O’Higgins.

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